경향신문 http://english.khan.co.kr/khan_art_view.html?artid=201111021338167&code=790101
We Ask Once Again: Whom is the KORUS FTA in Aid of?
The Democratic Party, which had rejected the KORUS FTA in its current form, has now become incoherent.
While the government and the Grand National Party are showing clear signs of planning to railroad the ratification bill for the agreement after using their direct authority to introduce it to a full session of the National Assembly, the DP is exposing not only its lack of fighting power and strategy, but even a lack of philosophy regarding the question of why the FTA must be blocked.
Some in the party are emphasizing the achievements of negotiations with the ruling party, while others are clamouring for a fight to death to stop the FTA; making it impossible to understand whether the DP intends to stop the agreement or merely to pretend to stop it.
A typical example is the DP's attitude whereby it may cooperate with ratification of the FTA if agreement is reached to defer dealing with ISD settlement provisions. ISD is a system that allows firms investing overseas to sue the government of the country in which they have invested when their profits are damaged by that government's policies.
It has long been pointed out that there is a strong possibility that Korea's sovereignty may be violated if large American corporations raise objections to issues such as systems of state support for public projects.
GNP leader Hong Joon-pyo, too, did his utmost to oppose the ISD system in 2007, saying that it "offered Korea's judicial sovereignty in its entirety to the US." If the nature of this poison pill was understood, it should have been abolished before ratification of the FTA; to talk of deliberating after ratification is nonsense.
DP floor leader Kim Jin-pyo and others claim that they have gained concessions from the ruling party regarding measures to limit damage feared from the conclusion of the FTA, citing these as achievements of negotiations, but this is a separate issue from the essence of the FTA itself, as well as a pretext used to justify ratification of the agreement.
These things are a long way from meeting the DP's initial demands. It appears the DP's stance is not unrelated to a sense of original sin regarding the KORUS FTA, which was promoted by the Roh Moo-hyun government.
Then, just as now, the government and ruling party, armed with ideologies of market supremacy and growth for growth's sake, cited increased exports and job creation as pretexts for promoting the agreement.
But while it is large multinational companies that stand to make the biggest profits through the FTA, the lives of the most vulnerable, including farmers, fishermen, laborers and small and medium traders, will inevitably be driven to a more difficult situation.
Moreover, the FTA, which hands national authority to markets in a global economic situation that has changed dramatically since the financial crisis of 2008, runs directly contrary to contemporary currents.
Simply discussing supplementation of the FTA or damage limitation measures, while brushing this fundamental issue aside, is meaningless.
It is difficult even to gauge the extent to which the KORUS FTA, more than just deepening the Korean economy's dependence on the US, will disturb our politics, society and culture in their entirety.
Despite much talk of expanded "economic territory," the US has never lost out to a partner in a bilateral agreement such as an FTA. In a trade treaty such as this, in particular, this problem is all the more serious given that the FTA cannot be reversed once it has been concluded.
What is clear is that the KORUS FTA cannot guarantee Korea's future. At this desperate and dangerous time, we ask the National Assembly, the ruling party and the opposition: Whom is the KORUS FTA in aid of? (Editorial, The Kyunghyang Daily News. November 2, 2011)
[사설] 다시 묻는다, 누구를 위한 한·미 FTA인가
“한·미 자유무역협정(FTA) 이대로는 안된다”고 외쳐온 민주당이 갈팡질팡하고 있다. 정부와 한나라당은 한·미 FTA 비준 동의안을 국회 본회의에 직권상정한 뒤 강행처리하려는 기색이 역력한데 민주당은 전략과 전술은 물론, 왜 막아야 하는가에 대한 철학의 빈곤마저 노출하고 있다. 한쪽에선 여야 협상 성과를 내세우고 다른 쪽에선 결사저지를 외치니 FTA를 저지하겠다는 것인지, 저지하는 척만 하겠다는 것인지 종잡을 수 없다.
투자자-국가소송제도(ISD) 처리 유보에 동의한다면 FTA 비준에 응할 수도 있다는 태도가 그 대표적 사례다. ISD는 외국에 투자한 기업이 상대방 국가의 정책으로 이익을 침해당했을 때 해당 국가를 국제 중재기관에 제소할 수 있는 제도다. 미국의 거대 기업들이 우리 공공사업에 대한 국가의 지원체계 등에 이의를 제기할 경우 주권이 침해될 소지가 크다는 지적은 진작부터 제기돼 왔다. 홍준표 한나라당 대표도 2007년 ISD가 “한국의 사법주권 전체를 미국에 바친 것”이라며 극력 반대한 바 있다. 이 독소조항의 성격을 이해한다면 비준에 앞서 폐지해야지, 비준 후 재협의를 한다는 것은 어불성설이다.
또 민주당 김진표 원내대표 등은 FTA 체결로 우려되는 피해대책에 대해 여당의 양보를 받아냈다며 이를 협상 성과로 꼽지만 그것은 FTA의 본질문제와 별개일뿐더러 FTA 비준을 정당화하는 명분도 아니다. 그것마저 민주당이 당초 요구한 수준과는 거리가 한참 멀다.
Posted on : 2011-11-02 13:38
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Amidst stiff confrontation over ratification of KORUS FTA between the ruling and opposition party, assistants to the opposition lawmakers and guards come to scuffles in front of the National Assembly's Foreign and Unification Committee on Tuesday. (Photo by Park Min-kyu) |
The Democratic Party, which had rejected the KORUS FTA in its current form, has now become incoherent.
While the government and the Grand National Party are showing clear signs of planning to railroad the ratification bill for the agreement after using their direct authority to introduce it to a full session of the National Assembly, the DP is exposing not only its lack of fighting power and strategy, but even a lack of philosophy regarding the question of why the FTA must be blocked.
Some in the party are emphasizing the achievements of negotiations with the ruling party, while others are clamouring for a fight to death to stop the FTA; making it impossible to understand whether the DP intends to stop the agreement or merely to pretend to stop it.
A typical example is the DP's attitude whereby it may cooperate with ratification of the FTA if agreement is reached to defer dealing with ISD settlement provisions. ISD is a system that allows firms investing overseas to sue the government of the country in which they have invested when their profits are damaged by that government's policies.
It has long been pointed out that there is a strong possibility that Korea's sovereignty may be violated if large American corporations raise objections to issues such as systems of state support for public projects.
GNP leader Hong Joon-pyo, too, did his utmost to oppose the ISD system in 2007, saying that it "offered Korea's judicial sovereignty in its entirety to the US." If the nature of this poison pill was understood, it should have been abolished before ratification of the FTA; to talk of deliberating after ratification is nonsense.
DP floor leader Kim Jin-pyo and others claim that they have gained concessions from the ruling party regarding measures to limit damage feared from the conclusion of the FTA, citing these as achievements of negotiations, but this is a separate issue from the essence of the FTA itself, as well as a pretext used to justify ratification of the agreement.
These things are a long way from meeting the DP's initial demands. It appears the DP's stance is not unrelated to a sense of original sin regarding the KORUS FTA, which was promoted by the Roh Moo-hyun government.
Then, just as now, the government and ruling party, armed with ideologies of market supremacy and growth for growth's sake, cited increased exports and job creation as pretexts for promoting the agreement.
But while it is large multinational companies that stand to make the biggest profits through the FTA, the lives of the most vulnerable, including farmers, fishermen, laborers and small and medium traders, will inevitably be driven to a more difficult situation.
Moreover, the FTA, which hands national authority to markets in a global economic situation that has changed dramatically since the financial crisis of 2008, runs directly contrary to contemporary currents.
Simply discussing supplementation of the FTA or damage limitation measures, while brushing this fundamental issue aside, is meaningless.
It is difficult even to gauge the extent to which the KORUS FTA, more than just deepening the Korean economy's dependence on the US, will disturb our politics, society and culture in their entirety.
Despite much talk of expanded "economic territory," the US has never lost out to a partner in a bilateral agreement such as an FTA. In a trade treaty such as this, in particular, this problem is all the more serious given that the FTA cannot be reversed once it has been concluded.
What is clear is that the KORUS FTA cannot guarantee Korea's future. At this desperate and dangerous time, we ask the National Assembly, the ruling party and the opposition: Whom is the KORUS FTA in aid of? (Editorial, The Kyunghyang Daily News. November 2, 2011)
[사설] 다시 묻는다, 누구를 위한 한·미 FTA인가
투자자-국가소송제도(ISD) 처리 유보에 동의한다면 FTA 비준에 응할 수도 있다는 태도가 그 대표적 사례다. ISD는 외국에 투자한 기업이 상대방 국가의 정책으로 이익을 침해당했을 때 해당 국가를 국제 중재기관에 제소할 수 있는 제도다. 미국의 거대 기업들이 우리 공공사업에 대한 국가의 지원체계 등에 이의를 제기할 경우 주권이 침해될 소지가 크다는 지적은 진작부터 제기돼 왔다. 홍준표 한나라당 대표도 2007년 ISD가 “한국의 사법주권 전체를 미국에 바친 것”이라며 극력 반대한 바 있다. 이 독소조항의 성격을 이해한다면 비준에 앞서 폐지해야지, 비준 후 재협의를 한다는 것은 어불성설이다.
또 민주당 김진표 원내대표 등은 FTA 체결로 우려되는 피해대책에 대해 여당의 양보를 받아냈다며 이를 협상 성과로 꼽지만 그것은 FTA의 본질문제와 별개일뿐더러 FTA 비준을 정당화하는 명분도 아니다. 그것마저 민주당이 당초 요구한 수준과는 거리가 한참 멀다.
이런 민주당의 자세는 노무현 정부 때 추진된 한·미 FTA에 대한 원죄 의식과 무관치 않아 보인다. 그때나 지금이나 시장 제일주의, 성장 지상주의로 무장한 정부·여당은 수출 확대, 일자리 창출 등을 FTA 추진의 명분으로 내세웠다. 그러나 FTA로 가장 큰 이익을 보는 집단은 거대 다국적 기업인 반면, 농어민·노동자·중소상공인 등 다수 약자의 삶은 더욱 어려운 상황에 내몰릴 수밖에 없다. 더욱이 2008년 금융위기 이후 급변한 글로벌 경제 상황에서 국가권력을 시장에 넘겨주는 FTA는 시대 흐름을 정면으로 거스른다. 이런 근본 문제를 제쳐둔 채 FTA 보완 또는 피해대책만 논의하는 것 자체가 공허하다.
한·미 FTA는 경제의 대미 의존도 심화를 넘어 정치·사회·문화 전반에 몰고올 파문을 가늠조차 하기 어렵다. ‘경제영토’ 확대 운운하지만 미국은 FTA와 같은 쌍무협정에서 상대에게 밀린 적이 없는 나라다. 특히 이 같은 통상조약은 한번 맺으면 되돌릴 수 없다는 점에서 그 심각성이 더하다. 분명한 것은 한·미 FTA가 우리의 미래를 보장할 수 없다는 사실이다. 이 절체절명의 시점에 우리는 국회와 여당 그리고 야당에 다시 묻는다. 과연 누구를 위한 한·미 FTA인가.
한·미 FTA는 경제의 대미 의존도 심화를 넘어 정치·사회·문화 전반에 몰고올 파문을 가늠조차 하기 어렵다. ‘경제영토’ 확대 운운하지만 미국은 FTA와 같은 쌍무협정에서 상대에게 밀린 적이 없는 나라다. 특히 이 같은 통상조약은 한번 맺으면 되돌릴 수 없다는 점에서 그 심각성이 더하다. 분명한 것은 한·미 FTA가 우리의 미래를 보장할 수 없다는 사실이다. 이 절체절명의 시점에 우리는 국회와 여당 그리고 야당에 다시 묻는다. 과연 누구를 위한 한·미 FTA인가.
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